JUNE, 1914.)
[if] it had come sooner might have bin followed; butt now we having cleered (in effect) al our busines here, and att Instant are upon departure towards you, Robert Hughes affore and John Parker followeth with the Carts, which we hope accordinge to Agreement will sett out within 4 or 5 dayes more at farthest. Theire procureinge hath bin as well difficulte as Costly, we payinge 2 4 rups. per md. Jehangere weight from hence to Agra Carrayan Burbust Sbarbast, i.e., customary caravan rate) and hope they will be with you Accordinge to our former Advyce by the last of the ensewinge month which will be the soonest, and therefore referr itt to your Considderations whether to detayne your goods soe longe or send a latter Caffalo. The raynes hath bin so extraordynary this yeare that extraordynary Charges cannot any way further our goods Arryvall, and therefore of necessity must attend untill the wayes are passable. Wee expect Thomas Haukeridge [Hawkridge] to meet John Parker, and soe ior present Robert Hughes beinge on departure, he referre you to John Parker for larger advyce, and hastyly comends you to the Lord, restinge &c. 66
John Parker to the Surat Factory. Palna, 17 September 1621. Loving Freinds, Mr. Rastell etts., You may please be advertized that 4 dayes past came hither an expresse from Mr. Biddulphe etts in Agra who brought us Coppy of certaine points in your letter of the 14th July to them, soe well concerninge this factory as others, which arryveinge with us but the night before Mr. Hughes his departure, he had not tyme to answere, and therefore I pray accept of this breife replye till conveniency permitt us to give you more ample sattisfaction and larger relation of our this yeares Imployment which Mr. Hughes at his cominge to Agra will (questionlesse) endeavour, to whome I partly referr you.
We apprehend your order for the future furnisheinge of this place with factors, and my stay here untill Mr. Youngs arryvall to discharge me, which before Mr. Hughes his goeinge was considdered of, and should have bin observed if had come sooner, butt having cleered (in effect) all our busines, the Carts hyred and are promised they will lade within 3 or 4 dayes, haveing noe rest in Cash, nor any imployment to occasion my stay, thought better to hazard your sensure in derrogatinge from your order then to putt the Company to the charge of (as we conceave) my needlesse stay, which when you Considder off and rightly apprehend, I hope will be soe charitable that wee doubte nott to appeare blamelesse. And though the way betweene this and Agra is nott very daingerous for robbers, yett nott free of taxes, as you may perceave by the transporte of our last goods from hence, which cost 14 rup. per carte, and since other merchants have paid 200 [(sic) 20] rup. per carte, soe that it is nott unrequizite that some Englishman accompany the goods, by whose presence the greatest parte or all may peradventure be saved, which I shall endeavour.
Mr. Hughes departed hence the 13th current and went by the way of Lackhoare, to hasten away the cloth bought there to Mobulepoore ce which is theire place of ladinge; and appointed me to make what hast I could and send away the goods here to meet them, which
65 Factory Records, Patna, I., 35. 66 Mahab Alipur, near Masaurà [Museowrah), the Mohubalpoor of the Indian Atlas, sheet 103, ed. 1857.