Book Title: Indian Antiquary Vol 43
Author(s): Richard Carnac Temple, Devadatta Ramkrishna Bhandarkar
Publisher: Swati Publications

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Page 103
________________ JUNE, 1914] FIRST COMMERCIAL MISSION TO PATNA . 99 Jehangeres and those to bee, the Zefer Conyes all under 2 rups. per peece and the Jehangeres of all prizes to 8 rups. per peece, the quantities of eatch you determine to enorder wee will, accordinge to your promise, expecte, and in the meanety me proceede therin, and in silke so farr as our meanes will permitt, havinge now received some suplye from Agra, Viz., in 6 bills exchange 5003 rups.... [We] have sent to Lackhoure to Mr. Parker 2500 rups. to bee doeinge there in the browne clothe, and have paid some debts for silke bought on Credditt, And now wee have monyes, purpose to laye in 50 or 60 mds. serbandy ware, so that untill your farther order, our provisions shalbe onlye silke, Ambertyes and Sahanes, if to bee gott.. Muckrob Con [Mukarrab Khân] is by the Kinge recalled from this Government, it beinge given Sultan Pervize [Parwiz], whoe is shortlye expected. The yeare is allreadye so farr spent that it is impossible all our provisions should bee dispeeded to Agra before the raynes. What maye bee provided betwene this and the prime Maye shall then bee sent you, and the rest with the first oppertunitye after the raynes are spent. And soe not havinge elce &c.44 XIV. Robert Hughes to the Agra Factory. Patna, 3 March 1621. Mr., Fettiplace &c. The last of the passed mounth came hether yours of the 15th ditto, wherinclosed I received 6 bills exchange Importinge the mentioned some of 5003 rups. the which are all Currantly [generally] accepted and doubte not but of as good satisfaction, theire owners being reported for Currant [accepted] dealers . . . havinge taken up parte therof, Viz., of Sunder Mydas [Sundar Mâyâdâs] 1000 rups. and have cleared Maun Muckon [Mânmukand] their bill of 500 rups. Basesar Mera [Bisheshar? Mall] hath a good reporte which is the best of his sufitiancye I can yet advize you... Chaunseyshaw [Chândsahai Shah] hathe a sonne in Agra with whome if you deale in this kinde you maye rest confident of good satisfaction to bee here made by his father whoe in our experience is the Currant delar of Puttana Wee apprehend what you advize of the sortes of Course silke sent you for saile in Agra. Wee cannot mervell that those sortes are in so littell esteeme at presant, in regard, since theire dispeede hence, th' originiall from whence theye are taken of is fallen in price almost 30 per cent. Wee are ofered for our Shekestye a rupye net per sear to sell it here, and thinke to put that sorte of at about that rate rather then trouble you therewith. Onlye our Cuttaway and Gird wee will detayne untill your farther approbation. Wee conceave Surrats order for th' investinge the presant monyes sent. Theye are stranglye mistaken in our Jehanger Coved... the misconceypte wheron theye ground theire opynions maye not bee our guide, and therfor... wee will proceed accordinge to our owne judgment in our Lackhour investments. Th' exchange hence to Agra beinge to our presant advantage I have ventered takinge up 2000 rups. more upon you at 13 per Cent. losse havinge received here of Maun Muckon [Manmukand], sherafes [sarraf] 1,962 rup. muryes [for nuryes, niri, newly-coined], to bee by you repayed in Agra unto Cassy [Kási] and Baseser [Bisheshar] in 2,000 rup. honds [hundi, bill of exchange] ... the bill... is written at 40 dayes Bandy mudet [band-i-mudat, term for settlement] Th' occasion the exchange hence to Agra 41 Factory Records, Patn, I., 22.


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