Book Title: Indian Antiquary Vol 43
Author(s): Richard Carnac Temple, Devadatta Ramkrishna Bhandarkar
Publisher: Swati Publications

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Page 108
________________ 104 THE INDIAN ANTIQUARY (JUNE, 1914. necessitye ansvares that the heate of our present busines and Mr. Parkers indisposition of helthe (whoe almost theise 3 monthes hathe layne daingerouslye sicke of the blody fluxe) $5 will not permit it untill the last of the raynęs, unlese it please God speedilye to strengthen Mr. Parker whoe hath not theise two monthes, nor is not at instant in case to mannadge theise afaires which lie disperst. Yet you mave not doubte of our utmost diligence to the hastninge our beinge with you. You shall not neede to send anye further suplye of monye untill farther advice; th' exchange from hence at presant is somuch to our losse that wee shall withhould drawinge bills on you untill necesstye urge it. Our Lackhowre Investments are exceeded to upwards of 5000 poes, fine and course Ambertyes, which quantitye wee hope at least to trebell by that tyme wee shall with convenyency bee readye to dispatche hence. The Princes (Prince Parwiz) arivall here with so greate a retienewe hath made this place to narowe for his entertaynment, which hathe caused the removinge diverse, as well merchants as otheres, from theire aboades, whose houses hee hath liberaly a bestowed on his servants; amongst which couppelment wee are displaced, and have bine theise ten dayes wandringe to cover ourselves and goods, thoughe but with grase (grass), to debar the heate and raynes, now in excesse; which havinge now attayned throughe the helpe of Mr. Monye [by paying a high price], wee endevor agayne the plasinge our silkwynders, in which imployment you maye not expecte us this yeare to exceed above as much more as alred ye have, And wee hould it sufitient, beinge but a triall, so you cannot but conceave the necesitye of frends, and us destitute wherwithall to make them. . . . XIX. To the Surratt Factory.. Patna, 2 June 1621. Good Frends, Mr. Rastell etts.. In all wee have received from them [at Agra] for our this yeares investments 29,000 rups. besides the proceede of some sailes here. Theye advize not of anye more monyes theye purpose to sende us. as thinkinge what alreadye sent sufitient to keepe us imployed the littell tyme now left us, but wee hope to drawe from them seasonablye to bee invested at least 10000 rups, more, for that theye advize Mr. Younge hathe littell hopes for th' accomplishinge th' one halfe of the narowe clothe you expecte from thence, which defaulte wee will endevor to salve by enlarginge them here. We formerly also advized you of the dispeede hence for Agra what goods wee had then readye, which were 13 bales silke and 4 balles Callicoes which were sent hence the 18th last ... xx To the Surat Factory. Lackhours, 3 August 1621. Loving Frends, Mr. Rastell etts.... 3 dayes past came to my hands yours of the 8th June... whereby I perceave you . . . requyer ample azd sudden replye to the points of your present received, which ... I shall endeavour. And first I wonder at your hopes for soe sudden a dispatche in our Investments, Consideringe you are not ignorant of the late supplye of monyes for its effectinge sent 55 Added from the letter to Surat which follows. 06 Factory Records, Patna, I., 29-30. 57 Factory Records, Patna, I., 30-31.


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