Book Title: Indian Antiquary Vol 43
Author(s): Richard Carnac Temple, Devadatta Ramkrishna Bhandarkar
Publisher: Swati Publications
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(JUNE, 1914.
Robert Hughes to the Agra Factory. Patna 11 April 1621. Lovinge Frends, Mr. Biddulpe and Mr. Fettiplace. My last unto (you) was of the ultimo last mounthe... since which on the 7th presant came hether this berer with your last of the 25th March, wherunto in answare.
Inclosed I received second bills for the prementioned 5000 rups, and fower bills more Importinge 3000 rups, are all Currantly ackcepted. The bill of Mollas [Mallâ] for a thousand rupes is written at twice seaven dayes berbust [sight] but all the rest at 41 dayes after theire date. . .
I aprehend what you entende wee should doe with our course sortes of silke taken of for the serbandy and will endevor it, if not better hopes for its sayle at Agra, the charge of transporte, etts. considered, but the prizes as rated in our last Invoyce you maye not expecte to bee now obtayned, for that the tymes are otherwise, Th'originall from whence theye are parted beinge (as often advized) a savoye (sawaî, 25 p. c.] fallen in price uver wbat it then was, and so proportionablye theise Courser sortes. In your next I praye advize us of theire trewe value with you, for therby will wee governe our selves either for its detention or sayle here, for by Merchants that purposelye come from Agra to make theire provisions in theise sortes wee are informed that Agra vends greate quantityes therof, and at much better rates then here it can bee sould.
Since my last we have done littell save prosecute our silke and Amberty Provisiones, wherin wee over slip no oportunitye which maye bee to advantage and are in dalye expecte for what elce Surrat shall enorder, that tymlye wee maye make entrance therin. Wee shall not expecte more monyes from you untill you have approbation from Surrat for our further suplye which cannot bee to soone,
Wee have ventured 500 rup. to Mucksoudabaude [Maksûdâbâd, Murshidabad) for samples [of] silke of the sortes wee provide, rather for experience of that place then the necesitye, therof, beinge encouradged therunto by good liklyehood of principall commoditye and at much easier rates then theise partes 'afordes. The voyadge is but two monthes, which when expired and returne made wee will advize you more of the event.
Sultan Parvez is shortlye expected here, and if you intende & setled imployment, it would not bee enconvenient that you sent us somthinge wherwith wee might make causmana [khâs nama] with him, and if so stored) somthinge for saile, it would bee a furtherance to the rest of our busines to make frends wherof,since Muckrob Cones departure, wee are altogether destitute,52 ...
Robert Hughes to the Agra Factory. Patna, 19 May 1621. Lovinge Frends, Mr. Biddulphe etts. Yours of the 29th Aprill came to our hand the 14th presant wherin wee received bill of exchange importinge 8000 rups.... All save the two bills of Maune Mookonde [Manmukand] were written as you advized, twise 7 days berbust [barbast, sight) ...
Wee have likwise received a Coppy of the list for what goods are required by Surrat this yeare, and shall endevor our utmost for theire satisfaction in what theirof theise partes afordes. Upwards of 4000 poes. Ambertyes (of the sorte pread vised) are alredaye provided, which wee will endevor to inlarge to what quantitye more tyme
52 Factory Records, Patna, I., 27-28.