Book Title: Indian Antiquary Vol 43
Author(s): Richard Carnac Temple, Devadatta Ramkrishna Bhandarkar
Publisher: Swati Publications

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Page 101
________________ JUNE, 1914) FIRST COMMERCIAL MISSION TO PATNA DOCUMENTS RELATING TO THE FIRST ENGLISH COMMERCIAL MISSION TO PATNA, 1620-1621. EDITED BY SIR RC. TEMPLE, BART. (Continued from page 69). X. Robert Hughes and John Parker to the Agra Factory. Palna, 29 December 1690. Good Freinds, Mr. Fettiplace etts. Yours of the 27th November is come to our hands, wherein wee perceave of the receipt of our formers and that our goods sent you hence came in convenient tyme with saftye to accompany youre for Surat, wherof we are glad ... We will give your accompt creditt... for the 33 pces. bone lace sent by Shek Cassums [Shekh Kasim's] man... Wee perceave of your purpose to retourne Dyalla [Dyâlâ] our servant with some goods. [The remainder of the letter concerns the price of raw silk at Patna; the reduction in the cost of winding if the 20 and 3d, and 4th and 5th sorts are wound together; and the stoppage in procuring both silk and cloth owing to want of funds]. Wee have now but to rest in expect of monye, newes of the fleets arryvall and the retourne of our expresse which brought you our letter for England to convey to Surat.40 XI. Robert Hughes and John Parker to Mr. Francis Fettiplace etc., in Agra. Patna, 29 December 1620. Our good freinds, Two dayes since arryved here Dyalla who brought yours of the ultimo November and the goods therein specified... nor have wee more herewith to adde, as havinge done nothinge since our last (which was 6 dayes past by a Bazar Cossid [kasid, messenger]), as nott havinge monyes left, and therefore must lie idle untill you furnishe ug.41 XII. Robert Hughes and John Parker to the Surat Factory. Patna, 31 January 1691. Lovinge Frends : Maye it please you take notice that after longe expectation and desier to here from you, the 24th presant wee received yours of the prime December .. In [our letter] of the 11th November wee answared yours of the 5th September, therin endevouringe your better satisfaction for the hoped good of this place, and the reasone which induced us to conceave it a meete residence, which was strengthned by the plentye of Commodities it affords, bothe for England and Persia, referinge all to your determinationes ... Wee have bine longe in expectation of suplve from Agra, which is not yet come, the defaulte wherof bath lost us four mounthes tyme wherin much good mought have bine done in this place; and if for what here shalbe provided you requier to bee dispeeded hence before the raynes, theye must bee gone hence by the prime Maye at farthest, unto which is but 3 mounthes, and yet wee have no meanes wherwith to proceede... In our last wee wrought [wrotol you what quantitye of silke and calliooes a yeares tyme and store of monyes would compasse by the course wee have taken ; the former not here to bee provided in the condition the Company requier it from the dallers [dealers] 40 Factory Records, Patna, I., 19. 11 Factory Records, Putna, I., 20.


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