Book Title: Indian Antiquary Vol 43
Author(s): Richard Carnac Temple, Devadatta Ramkrishna Bhandarkar
Publisher: Swati Publications

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Page 80
________________ 76 THE INDIAN ANTIQUARY [MAY, 1914. mandye; 17 or eloe hapilye theye will rott before they arive in England, which Course I all waise endevored to take and shall endevor my utmost therin, and in all other sortes of that clotho according to your direction, bothe for its length, breadth, starch and close workinge. It seemes Mr. Younge and his Companye arived with you in safitye, and since have bine dispatched for Lahore. I expected Mr. Banggam to my assistance, in whose roome you mention Mr. Parker to bee longe since dispeeded and with him the goods I advized for, of whose aproche I yet here no newes. When hee cometh I shall take notice of the partikulers, which wilbe wellcome to our Governor, whoe hath bine and is in expecte of some toyes aswell as rich Commodityes. After Mr. Parkers arivall and receypte of your Invoyce and examination of the goods, I shall give you Creddit, as well for them as for the 200 rups. delivered for theire expence on the waye, and shall expecte more monnyes forthwith to bee remitted to keepe us still in action, wherof I praye consider and what it is to gayne oportunitye. And so much in answer to the perticulers of your letter now received, wherof I may conclud for ought I have done since my last. Upon the arivall of Mr. Parker I shall enlarge, or in th'intryme, if necessitye requier. Untill when, with a hartye Commend &c. I have enquired after spicknard, but at present here is none for our turnas. It comes out of the Northe Cuntry in the could wether and will not bee here to be gottene this 2 or 3 mounthes at the soonest.! IV. Robert Hughes to the Surat Factory. Patna September 1620. [Identical in substance with the letter of 3 Sept. to Agra The following are additions). I yet here no newes [of Mr. Parker] althoughe hee hath bine a mounth on the waye, nor shall not expecte him yet this 10 dayes for that the countryes are Bp overflowne that I feare his Carte with much dificultye will finde passadge. What goods hee bringes will come to late for theire proceed to bee this yeare invested. I praye remember our governor with what fyne goods and toyes you maye spare of what you expecte in this fleete. Hee is verye ernest with mee to procure him some, And I. have promised to write you in his behalfe. Hee groweth rich, and no feare but that he will paye well and a good price. 19 v. Robert Hughes to the Agra Factory. Palna 14 September 1620. Mr. Fettiplaco etts. My last was of the 3d presant by a sherafes [sarrâs, money-changer] convayence which advized you of the receypt of yours of the 9th August and therwith the second bills of exchange for 2500 rups, of theire acceptance and what elce that instant required, since when, I praye take notice. This your expresse came hether the 10th presant by whome I received yours of the 23th August, and therwith bills for 2500 rups. more, and the second bill for parte of the 3000 sent before, all which are well accepted and no feare but of Current payment. About 2000 rups. of the first exchange I have already received, as having occasion therof before it was dewe. The remaynder within this daye or two wilbe also received, of which ther is no feare. I take notice of Pragdas his breakinge [bankruptcy], thoughe I hope it's no damadge to us. I am suer I have sondrye tymes advized you of my clearinge with his sonne here for those exchanges I brought on him, which I hope is sufitient to cleare that doubte and assure your selves I shall not bee backward in recea vinge in the monye of theise exchanges when dewe 17 Mand, manr, manda, mánra, mandi, manri, any greasy dirt, also used for starch. 15 Factory Records, Patna, I.,6.7. 19 Wartory Records, Patna, I, 8.9.


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