Book Title: Indian Antiquary Vol 43
Author(s): Richard Carnac Temple, Devadatta Ramkrishna Bhandarkar
Publisher: Swati Publications
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For what goods lye by you ded, if you send them hether, doubtless theye will finde good sayle. The bone lace39 is so well licked that the Nabobe requieres all the rest, which wee entreate you send by the first conveyence, with what sword blades, knives, etts. you can sparelo.
Robert Hughes to the Surat Factory, Patna, 31 October 1620. Mr. Kerridge, etts. Our last unto you was of the 6th presant ... Since the dispeed hence of our goods wee have sould into the Nabobs Circare allmost all the goods sent to us from Agra, viz.,... brocade cloth . redds ... greene ... yellowe. .. Bulgare,hydes ... Cerseyes., besides diverse other brayed [damaged, tarnished] wares to good profitt, in all for 2400 rups. for which wee have got out a Berate [bardt, order for payment], and are in speedye expectation for our monyes, which once received I purpose for Lackhoure, whether Mr. Parkér is gon before with 900 rups. to make enterance into the rawe Ambertyes, the tyme beinge now principall good for theire provision and no buyers alreade. We intend provision of none but the broadest sizes and are promised of a full Coved broade which oomes littell shorte of an Englishе elle. Wee shall expecte your order what sortes and quantityes therof to bee provided for th' ensuinge yeare as also for other Commodities this place may aforde. And for that tyme is pretious and the whitinge of th'Ambertyes teadious, wee purpose out of hand to invest all the monnyes wee have in that Commoditye, and for the future will expecte from you or Agra. Our provisions of silke wee have almost let falle untill wee here how you aprove therof. Diverse letters have wee written you since our Comminge into theise partes, answare unto none wherof have wee received, but live in hopes.31
Robert Hughes to the Surat Factory. Patna, 11 November 1620. Lovinge Frends, Mr. Kerridge, etts. It is not manye dayes past since I received yours of the 5th September, answere to myne from hence of the 12th July... By what I then writt you concirninge provisions of Amberty Callicoes, you rightlye aprehende the quantity to bee but small. I had that information but from reporte, which since hath not proved much contrary. Here in Puttana where buyinge them at the best hand, to saye from the weavers which bringe them readye whited to towne in small parcells, I could not with all my endeavors atayne to above a thousand peeces, wherefore was foursed for the presant to make up our Investments of that Commoditye partlyo bought in Lackhoure and partlye from other marchants who bought them there rawe and whited them themselves, which Course tyme would not permitt us to take, comming hether soe late in the yeare, and wee perceaved for what the weavers bringe readye to towne is onlye to serve the Bazare. And merchants that make theire provisions abroade will not sell here for halfe a savoye [saw ii] 32 profitt, but transporte them for Agra, Lahore, etts, where they make a far greater gayne. So that it is the extraordinarye profitt which induceth merchants to furnishe Agra with that Commoditye, from whence doubtles you wilbe this yeare suplyed with a good quantity, in that wee understand theye have
29 Bobbin lace, usually of linen thread, See O. E, D., 8. v. Bone-lace. ,90 Factory Records, Patna, I., 10-11.
31 Factory Recoris, Patns, I., 1. 32 sawai means 13, i. e., or 25 p. c. profit. So " halfe, & savoye" would mean & pr 125 p. c. profit.