Book Title: Indian Antiquary Vol 43
Author(s): Richard Carnac Temple, Devadatta Ramkrishna Bhandarkar
Publisher: Swati Publications

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Page 79
________________ MAY, 1914.) FIRST COMMERCIAL MISSION TO PATNA 75 III i Robert Hughes to the Agra Factory. Paina, 3 September 1620. Kinde Frends, Mr. Fettiplace, etts. After longe expectation and desier to here from you, Yesterdaye I received yours of the 9th August...... I perceave that you take notice of what I writt Concerninge the provision of Amberty Callicoes and your opyniones jump with what I have bine latlye large unto you Concerninge that Commoditye in theire future investments to bee made at Lackhoure. I once thought, and indeed fullye purposed to have made some small tryall there this yeare, but meanes and menes promises faylinge kept mee from them spight of my teethe (in spite of my efforts). Howsoever, I doubt not but to have the monnyes you now sent Imployed therin here in Puttana tyme enough to bee dispeeded hence by the begininge of th'ensuinge mounthe and these with the cost of my provision to bee with you in Agra by the prime November, whereof more hereafter. You have discouraged mee in the silke provisions of which I had and yet have [great] hopes to doe much good therin, of which I sent you second samples (hence the] 6th August, and therin was large of the setled Course I have taken for providing in the Condition required by the Companye, and I am suer at Cheaper rates then theye aprove of, to send fourthwith what quantitye possiblye maye bee procured, which imbouldned mee the rather therin, so that I have encreased my Cor Conna [karkhana, workshop] to almost a hundred workmen, but here will stop untill I here further from Surrat. I have delivered them mony out beforeband, which now can hardly bee recalled, and therfore they must worke it out; 10 or 12 mds. serbandyes wilbe the most I shall wynde of for this yeare, which will not bee much, yet I hope such a sample as shall Confirme its future provision, its price beinge Considered; neither (I am gure) were theye at Surrat Ignorant of its price in Agra when in their letter, which arrived & litell before my departure, theye desiered what quantitye possible might be procured this yeare. I have bine large unto them therof, and expecte theire order for the future. My last samples I hope you have sent them For quilts of Sutgonge I have not exceeded above a dozen, nor shall not ad therunto manye more, unlesse such as promise good Content. Th (ose alreadye bought I have trymed tip with silke fringe, tassells, etts, and lyned them parte with tafetye, parte with Tessur [tasar, tussore]. what goods I have in a redinesse I am packinge to regayne tyme. I perceave at what rates your exchange runns, which is much lower then here. I ofered 4 per Cent, to have taken up some smalle matter of Byrumdas Chebill Sansye [Bhairon Das Chibilla Shah],but could not procure it, soe that you maye thanke Shame [Shyam, Shâm] for his Casemanaskhasnama, letter of introduction), thoughe his letter of Creditt was of no Validitye. I have not to doe with Pragdas [Prag Dâs] his sonne, havinge long since cleared with him. He is almost Crackte [bankrupt], theire havinge latlye Come hondyes [hundi, bill of exchange, cheque] on him for a lack of rupes and reporte of his fathers troubles in Agra. In your occasiones to remitt monyes by exchange, you maye bee bould to deale with Châmseyes (Chandsahai Shah's sonne, whose father is the Currant dealler (generally accepted agent) of Puttana. The Ambertyes you mention to bee provided browne[unbleachod) must of necessitye bee refered until the next yeare, and then(as you saye) theye must beo washt out of theire 18 Seo infra, letter of 3 Maroh 1621 where this name is given in full as "Chaunaoyshaw", Chandsahai Sheh:


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