श्योतन्-मदाविल-विलोल-कपोल-मूल मत्त-भ्रमद्-भ्रमरनाद-विवृद्ध - कोपम् ऐरावताभमिभ- मुद्धत - मापतन्तं
दृष्ट्वा भयं भवति नो भवदा- श्रितानाम्
Scyotan-madāvilavilola-kapola-mūla matta-bhramad-bhramaranāda-vivrddha-kopam I Airavatãbhamibha-muddhata-mãpatantam
drstvā bhayam bhavati no bhavadā śritānām ||34||
श्श्योतन्-महाविस-विलोल-पोस-भूस भत्त-भ्रमह्-अभरनाह-विवृद्ध-श्रेयम्
दृष्ट्वा भयं भवति नो भवा-श्रितानाम् ॥३४॥
हे गजभयहर भगवान् !
झरते हुए मद से पंकिल, गंड-स्थल होने से पागल और मंडराते हुए भँवरों की आवाज़ से चंचल हुए ऐरावत के समान दुर्दात हस्तिको सामने आया हुआ देखकर भी आपकी शरण में रहने वाला भक्त (भक्तात्मा) तनिक भी धबराता नहीं है ।
પ્રભુ ! ઝરતા મદ વડે વ્યાપ્ત તથા ચંચળ ગંડસ્થલના મૂળમાં મદોન્મત્તપણે ભમતા ભમરાઓના ગુંજારવથી કોપાયમાન તેમજ ઐરાવત હાથી જેવા, સામે આવતા ઉદ્ધત હાથીને જોવા છતાં પણ તમારા ભક્તજનોને જરા પણ ભય લાગતો નથી.
Jain Education International 2010_04
Oh my God of the Gods! Oh my Lord, I was just praying and singing. the hymns of Your virtues till now. I know that those who come to Your shelter grow into great people.
There is a mammoth elephant amidst the thickest wood with very erratic and obstinate mind. His madness is multiplied by several wasps muttering around the temple. He looks most frightening and powerful like the Airavat (a) (mythological elephant having extraordinary strength, adorned with royal clothing and jewellery, who serves Lord Indra, the King of Devas) Even these type of mighty mammals are incapable of frightening Your disciples because of the greatest strength Yuin Your shelter.
Obviously, I am not worried of such elephants approaching me. However, there is a dragonic elephant in form of uncontrolable mind that creates a big chaos in my life. Lord, provide me sufficient strength to control the mammal of my wavering mind and feel the conclusive touch of Your warm lap.
-: चित्र-गाथा - यंत्र सौजन्य :
श्रीमती कस्तुरीनेन बाबुलालजी राठोड परिवार-मद्रास
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