tendency to exhibit, his power of resolve gets obstructed, and in course of time, entire power of such person may be lost. If one were to maintain the proper rules, course of conduct, Bhaktamara will confer on him the power to bless and curse. He who wants to develop his power of resolve must necessarily do the worship of Bhaktamara. But they must do well to bear in mind, that this birth is to make our soul one with 'paramatman', and he must not give scope for the passions to land in the soul and obstruct its path. He must not have confusion in his worship, i.e., when a person is doing a particular worship other mantras or stotras too may attract him. It is called confusion/distraction. Such people change their worship too often, and simultaneously practise many mantras/ stotras. it makes them vascillate and the power of resolve is lost. Though one may memorise any number of stotras yet must strictly confine to one stotra/mantra when he wants to do 'aradhana-sadhana-practice'. Instead of discussing which stotra/mantra is powerful, they can try to analyse and know that stotra/ mantra which naturally attracts them and find a natural liking in it. Many stotras follow different methods. Let them not compare their relative merits and come to a conclusion. It is said in scriptures that many souls have become 'Siddhas' just by 'samayikas' alone. It is not the goal, but the way to it. And not so much the way that counts, but a resolve to reach the destination. The worshipper of Bhaktamara will definitely get 'preyas (mundane benefits)' and 'sreyas (spiritual benefits)'.
The Bhaktamara Stotra can give us the results of the mantra vidya i.e. it can ward off evils, can give mundane benefits (santika-paustika), attract others (vasikarana), stupefy others (stambhana), and remove all fears (sarvabhayahara), remove all evil spirits (uccatana), remove (marana) enemies too. But people must have 'moksa' as their main aim and goal. The Bhaktamara aradhana must be made use of to achieve
i) (vasikarana) - to attract equanimity; ii) (stambhana) - to stupefy faults and asravas; iii) (uccatana) - to remove
(marana) - and slay bad 'samskaras'; (santika) - for peace of universe and soul
(paustika) - and to nourish disinterestedness and dispassionateness. vi) (sarvabhayahara) - to remove the fear of samsara (cycle of birth and death)
Thus one must try to achieve the six powers spiritually. We should not allow 'mana' (egoism) to touch us and must reach the 'tunga' (peak) and become real MANATUNGA.
Salutation to the ARIHANTAS (the Annihilators of the enemies i.e., passions) Salutation to the SIDDHAS (beatified Achievers of the Good) Salutation to the ACARYAS (accomplished Masters legislating the rules of our
conduct) Salutation to the UPADHYAYAS (Teachers imparting lessons on the Siddhantas) Salutation to the SADHUS (the Saints of every region and clime who live, move
and have their being for the good of others) This five-fold Salutation purging out all sins is the noblest of all propitious utterances and the choicest of all blessings and benedictions.
-- Navakara Mahamantra
380 Aradhana Darshan Jain Education International 2010_04
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