is the best example from ancient times. Another example is that of the commencement of new astrological method by the well-known south Indian astrologer Sri B.V. Raman. Let Guru be direct or indirect, internal or external, the contact with the guiding force is essential and must always be maintained.
"Salutations unto him the Guru, who opened our eyes suffering from the cataract of ignorance, by applying the collyrium of knowledge".
It is to be noted that Guru is referred to here in general terms and not any specific person is referred to. The pronouns 'who' and 'him' are noteworthy in this respect.
So also the worshipper of Bhaktamara must accept another sincere sadhaka of Bhaktamara as his Guru. Many devotees have been initiated into Bhaktamara by our revered teacher Sri Vikrama Suri.
The faith and devotion of our Rev. preceptor in Bhaktamara is something incomparable. An aspirant wanting to be initiated into Bhaktamara also must have such a sincere practitioner as his Guru. If they are not able to come across such a Guru, then let them take Sri Manatunga Suri himself as a Guru and commence worship of Bhaktamara. The unwavering devotion of Sri Manatunga will help the aspirants very much.
When to accept The Bhaktamara Stotra: Guru will decide when to instruct his disciple Bhaktamara or what to give - stotra-diksa or sloka-diksa or mantra-diksa, when the aspirant wishes to be initiated. But the commentaries on Bhaktamara throw some light on this aspect too. It would be better if Bhaktamara-diksa could be given on the day, it was composed. But, unfortunately we are not able to get this information from existing literature on Bhaktamara. But there exists a possibility that Bhaktamara could have been composed on the 5th or 10th or 15th day in the bright fortnight of Vaisakha i.e., the second month in the lunar year. The metre Vasantatilaka stands for spring season. Caitra and Vaisakha are the two months of spring season and Caitra is considered a varjya month (a month which is considered inauspicious as for as new mantra-diksa etc., are considered). The full moon day and bright fortnight have some special significance and value in Bhaktamara worship. Hence the full moon day in Vaisakha is considered the best day for new initiation into Bhaktamara.
The compiler of Suri Mantra Kalpa lays down that the days on which Sri Rsabhadeva, Sri Candraprabhu Svami and Sri Mahavira Svami were born or attained Kevalajnana as the best suited days for initiation into Surimantra. (See "Suri Mantra Kalpa Samuccaya" page 144.)
The great preceptor Sri Rsabhadeva appeared in this world on the 8th day of black fortnight in the month of Phalgun (according to Gujarat calendar) and became a Kevalajnani on the eleventh day of the black fortnight of Magha month.
These two days are considered more sacred and the annual penance (Varsitap) also starts on the Phalguna-Krsna-astami. If an aspirant were to get such a holyday and a sacred shrine like Siddhacala and a sincere practitioner as his teacher he is sure to get siddhi in his mantrastotra practice and he can enjoy bliss without any obstruction. If the day happens to be also a day with pusya constellation and a Thursday or Sunday that will make that day all the more significant. If moon were to be in favourable position in his horoscope or Sun or Jupiter were to see the fifth place in the horoscope of the aspirant can consider it as a sign of success. Such a combination is called alabhya yoga - a rare occasion not easily obtained.
The importance of Guru is felt all the more greater because, the astronomical calculations (and availability of days) are little difficult to get at. It is the presence of Guru who must have had the siddhi of many a mantra or stotra, makes all the difference in the initiation and he can suggest a day too. Guru must be everyone and everything for an aspirant and the latter must try to obey him and practise the worship strictly according to his instructions.
Works like Muhurtamuktavali consider the six months from Asvayuja (from the first day of bright fort night in the month of Sep-Oct) and so also the months Vaisakha and Sravana as the auspicious months suited for any initiation. 2nd, 5th, 7th, 10th, 13th and full moon days and the days with constellation Rohini, Uttarasadha, Uttarabhadrapada, Uttara Phalguni,
Aradhana Darshan
Jain Education International 2010_04
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