૦ ૦
ભક્તામર દર્શન कुन्ताग्र-भिन्न-गज-शोणित-वारिवाहवेगावतार-तरणाऽतुर-योध-भीमे . युद्धे जयं विजित-दुर्जय-जेय-पक्षास् त्वत्पाद-पङ्कज-वना-श्रयिणो लभन्ते
Kuntãgra-bhinna-gaja-soņita-vārivāhavegãvatāra-taraņãtura-yodha-bhime Yuddhe jayam vijita-durjaya-jeya-paksas tvat-pãda-pankaja-vanã śrayiņo labhante
हुन्तान-भिन्न-४-शोशित-रिवाવેગાવતાર-તરસાડતુર-યોધ-ભીમે યુદ્ધ જયં વિજિત-દુર્જય-જય-પક્ષાત્
–ત્પાદ-પઠ્ઠજ-વના-શ્રયિણો લભત્તે ૩૯ાા CSC
हे विजयप्रद वीतरागी देव! महाकष्टसे जीतने योग्य शत्रु वाले युद्ध में आपके चरणकमलरूप वन का आश्रय करने वाली भक्तात्मा विजय पाती है। वह युद्ध वरछियों के अग्र भाग से हत ऐसे गजराज के रक्त रूप जल के प्रवाह में वेग से प्रवेश हो जाने से इसको पार करने में व्याकुल योद्धाओं से भयंकर है।
હે સ્વામી ! ભાલાના અગ્રભાગથી ભેદાયેલ હાથીઓના લોહી રૂપ પ્રવાહને જલ્દીથી તરી જવા આતુર થયેલા યોદ્ધાઓવાળા ભયંકર યુદ્ધમાં, તારા ચરણકમલ રૂપ વનનો આશ્રય કરનારા દુર્જય શત્રુ પક્ષને હરાવીને જય પામે છે.
Oh my God! You are not only my defender; but You are the architect of my victory over the unconquerable foes.
Let the enemies inflict the wars. The wars may be so horrifying that the points of spears and arrows may cause rivers of blood from the wounds of the elephants. The vengeful soldiers may be eager to swim through blood to win the opponents.
But when Your Bhakta approaches Your lotus feet, he is bound to emerge victorious.
God, I am aware that I do not have to worry at the time of such or even a greater war than this; but my past deeds and sins have already declared the war against me. However, they may not stop warring at all. But I am sure, I will attain victory by Your grace. You are bound to make me victorious. I am Your disciple, having taken the refuge in your lotus feet.
-: चित्र-गाथा-यंत्रसौजन्य:
श्रीमती गमनीदेवी कस्तुरचंदजी ओशवाल परिवार-मैसूर (सियाणा) Jain Education International 2010_04
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