second category. So the classification of Śrīmad's works made by Dr. Sarayuben is really appropriate. .
Thus in part two of her research work she has devoted chapter II and III for critical appreciation of Śrîmad's works of adolescence such as Bhāvanābodha and Mokşamālā. While in the third chapter entitled 'Prakirņa-Rachanão' she discusses Śrīmad's miscellaneous works such as. Strīnīti-bodha, secular poems, incomplete writings such as a commentary of Svaroday jñāna; Munisamāgama; Avadhāna kāvya and about one thousand Subhāșitas included in Puspamālā, Vacanasaptasatî etc.. .. . .. .
Bhāvanābodha, containing 50 pages of the text and 6 pages of introduction expounds the twelve well known ‘reflections such as anitya, aśaraṇa, sanisāra, ekatva, .etc., that develop the attitude of non- attachment to worldly life and an inclination towards religious life. Dr. Sarayuben has rightly pointed out that this small work composed by Srimad at an early age of sixteen depicts his disgust with and the consequent detachment from the worldly life. At the same age, Śrīmad'composed his Mokşamālā which in one hundred and eight chapters gives the essence of Jain religion. It deals with the main principles of Jain religion such as Right faith, Right