Śrīmad's Philosophy of Atmadharma
fruits. Therefore it is the doer of karmas and also the
enjoyer of their fruits.
Tenet no. 5: Soul can be liberated.
If there is a cause, the effect is bound to follow. We have also seen that because the soul is the author of its own actions, it has to enjoy or suffer their fruits. It, therefore, naturally follows that if the soul does not do any actions either physical or mental, there can be no fruits which it may have to suffer or enjoy. Moreover, karmic bondage, which the soul has already acquired in the past lives, can be and is destroyed by reducing and lessening the passions and by other efforts like austerities, external ( bāhya ) as well as internal (antaranga), non-attachment (vairāgya), meditation. study of the self and spirituality and acquiring right faith, knowledge, and conduct, (samyag darśana, jñāna and caritra). Thus the soul can attain salvation or liberation as it has stopped influx of karma (āśrava) and it is also annihilating its already accumulated past karmabondage (nirjarā).
Tenet no. 6: There is a path to liberation.
As stated above soul can be freed and liberated from karma- bandha by austerites. meditation, study of