8) male attraction, 9) attraction of male &
female. navapada (1946): 1) Arihanta, 2) siddha,
3) ācārya, 4) upādhyāya, 5) sādhu (monk), 6) samyak darśana, 7) samyak jñāna, 8) samyak cāritra,
9) tapa (penance). nikācita karma (fachlaa guf) : intense karma - bandha nigoda (funa):
a thing or a body containing limitless number of lowest
grades of potential lives. nidāna (gr) :
desiring worldly happiness in exchange of religious
· practice. nididhyāsana (fearta): continuous brooding. niyati (Fafa) : . ; destiny. niranjana (FaRuta): spotless or faultless. nirāvaņajñāna (ferrauşitat): that knowledge which
makes one free from bodyconsciousness and pride and attachment from nonself things and keeps soul's attention (upayoga) in its nature and which adores