Means of Self-Realization surrender to a satpurușa and follow, with all his might, what he preaches.?' Śrīmad advises the aspirants to search for a satpurușa and nothing else. He should find him and totally surrender to him and follow him.72 If one can do so whole heartedly, one is bound to accomplish supreme happiness because such a satpuruşa is always one within his own soul. A sadguru speaks his own experiences, which are not stated in scriptures nor they are ever heard. He has no desires. His life is a secret. Śrîmad says that the happiness of an enlightened person lies in the state of being in his own-nature, he seeks no happiness in outside things.73
8. Availability of a Sadguru
The present times are very hard and very unfavourable for practice of spirituality and sadgurus or satpuruṣas are very very rare to be found. Śrîmad therefore has said at many places in his writings that if no such sadguru is available, one should worship such things and places and study such scripture as would increase the sentiments (bhāva)of passionlessness (vairāgya), and subsidence of kașīyas (attachment, aversion etc.).74 Satpuruşa may also be of different grades. If he is sufficiently advanced, it may be possible to know him rather easily because he may speak