kāladharma (pen):
kuguru (746):
katastha (कूटस्थ) : kevalajñāna (PETTA) :
kautuka (origi) : kriyā (1921):
Appendix 11 : Glossary religion suitable to time; death. a teacher who has no knowledge of the self. immutable or unchangeable. omniscience or knowledge, where the soul is totally free from passions and it is purest knowledge. surprise or admiration. act, acting with interest only in rituals, without understanding the motive or purpose behind them; one contrary to the path of knowledge (jñānamārga). karma - bondage; five reasons, 1) mithyātva (772417):
perverted belief, avirati (Baht) : absence of restraint
(129): 3) kaśāya (2477): passions
(anger, ego etc.), 4) pramāda (19E) :
kriyābandha (क्रियाबंध) :