(knowledge or awareness ) of one's soul's nature, which is exclusive and indestructible or undisturbed and that slate itself is liberation even when one is living in a human-body.
3) Siddhanta-bodha and Upadēša-bodha : This division of scriptural knowledge is an important contribution of Śrīmad. In philosophical or spiritual world, there are age-old controvercies regarding some concepts. If some one tries to study and find out their answers, he is likely to be lost in the jungle of controversies, and he may not be able to devote himself to his sādhanā. Śrîmad has therefore, advised aspirant not to bother about those controversies, but to concentrate only on sādhanā. According to him, so long as the aspirants is full of passions and ignorance, his power of knowledge is obscured and it is impossible for him to find any conclusive or convincing answers for such problems, because the answers to such problems are not only intellectual, but they are matters of actual experience of the enlightened souls and hence the aspirant must exert himself and try to achieve that state, the state of enlightenment. Till the aspirant reaches that stage, he has to concentrate only on preachings in the scriptures, which advise how to be detached from the worldly life, (relatives and