the path which such paramātmā followed for achieving that state of siddhahood, that path which consisted of abandoning all worldly possessions and relations, total non- attachment and passionlessness, intense and unobstructed meditation and total awareness that one is soul and not body, mind, intellect etc..
It may be pointed out that devotion which śrīmad has preached is devotion to the prophets or sadgurus who have realized their self or soul and being a devotee of such souls, the devotee can hope to realize his self by following the path of the prophets and sadgurus. The aspirant must be very sincere devotee of a sadguru who is as good as God and whose grace can be invoked for the advancement of spiritual progress. He has made clear the importance of bhakti. He says that it is true the Jinas have preached that an aspirant has to be free from perversity of soul (vibhāva) and pray and worship the pure state of his own soul in a very natural state. The Jinas have described such state as an intense state of (self-) knowledge.150 They have made it vey clear that without such inner state, one cannot get freedom from karma-bondage and this fact is an absolute truth. But it is very difficult for an aspirant to practise the above difficult (gahana) mode of sādhanā, because