(conqueror) without much difficulty 152 In another poem, Anandaghanaji describes devotion as follows: 'Rṣabhajineśvara' is my darling and I do not want to love anybody else, because I am sure that once he is pleased, he will never part company with me and he will destroy the beginningless cycle of births and deaths.153 Similarly another great Acārya Sri Devacandrajî describes devotion by saying that worshipping i.e. performing devotion to a Jina is the same as worshipping one's own self. What is suggested in the above devotional poems is that devotion should not only be vey intense and whole-hearted by way of total surrender, but it should also be to a sadguru who has realized his self, who has attained almost final liberation like a siddha though he still lives in a human body.
Notes And References
1) SR. 710, p. 519
2) Ibid. 762, p. 585
3) Ibid. 761. p. 584,
4) Ibid. 760, p. 583
5) Ibid. 766, p. 586
6) Ibid. 609. P. 469
7) Ibid. 755, p. 576
Si Bid. 779, p. 603