are to be viewed from two angles, philosophical and practical.Speculations on nature of God, God as creator of the Universe, nature of soul, its independent existence etc. are philosophical aspects, whereas the sermons on right conduct, which only teach the aspirants how to progress on the path of realization or emancipation is the practical aspect. Śrimad has also explained when and how an aspirant can become entitled to understand or rather experience the philosophical concepts.
Śrîmad has also discussed the basic and primary requirements for an aspirant such as reducing mundane activities, particularly those involving violence and accumulation of possessions, and also reducing association with worldly men, things, incidents and happenings. Although, along with the above an aspirant has also to try to reduce and subside his attachment 10 the possessions and relations and things other than his own self. He has also to be constantly mindful to subside his passions (kasāyas or șadripus) like anger. pride, deceit, greed, attachment and delusion, as only the subsidence of these passions can help the aspirant progress on the path of self-relaization. One may abandon family and embrace a monk's life, but such sacrifice will be of little use, unless passions are