to reach that state and hence he has to strive very hard to reach the same. His intense devotion will give him sufficient strength and vigour to follow. his path. He will automatically start getting rid of his passions like attachment etc., and then to realize his self.144.
It is to be remembered that the prophets and the enlightened have preached devotion only for the welfare of the disciples and aspirants. With selfless, real and pure devotion, the aspirant will come to fix his total attention on the soul of sadguru and the aspirant's licentious conduct will come to an end automatically because of the super qualities and righteous behaviour of the sadguru. All this will help him know what is soul and what is non-soul and then the aspirant will be able to realize his self.145
Devotion to be real and effective, has to be performed for the sake of devotion and without expectations of any kind (niskāma bhakti). If devotion is accompanied with expectation of benefit (sakūma bukti), the aspirant cannot get knowledge of the soul.!
It must always be bome in mind that the preliminary or basic qualification and also necessity in setting oneself on the path of devotion is good moral character