jñāna, one can never be happy, and the best way for acquiring ātma-jñāna is satsariga. It need not be repeated here that ātma-jñāna means knowledge about one's self or soul and its nature.!19 The aspirant has, therefore, to remember that scriptural study or any sādhanā or even satsarga must result in reduction or subsidence of passions and ignorance. If they do not subside, all efforts are useless and waste. 120 In this respect Śrímad's reference to the Sūyagadariga is worth quoting. It says, 'Pramāda itself is karma and absence of pramāda or being apramatta is being in one's nature itself.: 121 This distinction can explain who is ignorant and who is endowed wirh knowledge.
Another verse of Suyagadariga preaches the importance of human life and the evils of ignorance. It reads :
Bujjhāhi janitu iha nānavesu Datthum bhayani bālienani alanibhe / Egantadukkhe jarie hu loc
Sakammuņā vippariyāsuveti // 122 [Siły. 1.7.11] It means : 0, living being, understand, it is most diffucult to get a human life. Know that there is the chance of getting any of the sour categories, celestial gods, human beings, animals and hellish beings. Also