Śrīmad gives very much importance to devotion to a pious teacher. He says that the real and effective devotion to a pious teacher lies in such right conduct which helps development of one's virtues day-by-day. In fact that is the expectation of such teacher, which should be taken as his command. Householders should follow their occupation by following right conduct and bearing in mind what is said above. He further advises an aspirant rather to follow and obey a single command of the pious teacher than to read heaps of scriptures. The aspirant has to practise meditation. It is the best sādhana and the means to implement what one has learnt and studied in scirptures and also from a pious teacher. A further detailed discussion on meditation may be in order, as understanding things at mental or intellectual level is not that much effective, as meditation is; becuase meditation works at still inner level or at the level of one's self.
12. Meditation
Meditation is the best means or sādhanā for spiritual progress and realization. The very aim and object of realization is to know oneself. The effect of knowing oneself is nothing but getting completely rid of sufferings which one, constantly undergoes in this world and acquiring such bliss which is natural or integral