Mcans of Self-Rcalization
74 to 76 of his Mokşa-miālā '125. The substance of these three chapters can be stated as follows :
In the beginning he points out that this type of dhyāna is useful for the spiritual evolution of soul. He says that studying and comprehending its sixteen types is necessary and useful for understanding the implications of scriptures and also the philosophy contained in them and the reason why one should devote oneself to progressing in meditation. According to Śrîmad, meditation, if practised without the guidance and association of an enlightened sadguru, becomes superfluous, in stead of being effective and beneficial.126
Out of the sixteen types, the first four types of Dharma dhyana, which are discussed below are important as they are useful to prepare an aspirant mentally, and constitute basis for truc meditation. The substance of the first four types of dharma dhyana is that an aspirant should know what the Jinas or the Conquerors have preached and have unflinching faith in the preachings. Then he should brood on the fact that all the sufferings in life are the fruits of one's own passions like attachment. repulsion, delusion, desire. anger. pride.greed etc.. Further, the practitioner should expose himself to the nature of the universe (inkui which