Means of Self-Realization (ātmalina). "But this also is a sort of ritual. Metaphysically, means or ways to realize soul lie in the heart of a satpuruṣa. He says that control of mind should result in control over one's passions. For that purpose there are two means : sadguru and satsarga which bring out the potentialities of the soul. Srimad says that all the satpuruṣas have followed only one path and that path is the path of ātma-jñāna and nécessary right conduct for accomplishing ātma- jñāna, which is nothing but a state where there are no passions (attachment etc.).?? He clearly states that no true religion is possible without a satpuruṣa. But it is very difficult to get association with a satpuruṣa in this era. Hence it is rather impossible for a seeker to achieve samādhi as a form of true realization of one's nature which is not possible without the actual association of a satpuruşa. Though devotion to the great souls of the past is, no doubt beneficial, yet, such devotion cannot help in selfrealization. This is so because a satpuruṣa is an embodiment of liberation. He further says that even meditation without the help of satsariga is superficial. Any progress on the path of spirituality is liable to vanish if achieved without the actual guidance of a sadguru.7He therefore says that a sceker has two great obstructions on his path. First, living as per his