satpuusa is ‘libcration ’incarnate.60..
Śrimad describes the importance of satpuruşa by saying that the enlightened have enjoined not only surrendering to satpuruşa but having firm faith that he himself is parameśvara. Such faith displays utter modesty which helps an aspirant treat himself as an humble servant of all beings, which helps him acquire real capability or worthiness for liberation.“
Śrimad says that än intimate association with the enlightened who is ātmārāma (self delighting in the self) helps keep oneself in one's own nature and stops going astray. Such association helps the aspirant get rid of his defects and acquire straightforwardness, forgiveness, introspection, less activities, less possession's etc.62.It is certain, he says, that one who has realized his soul, can alone preach rightly what is the nature of the soul or what is self-realization and there is no other way of knowing the soul except from such person.63. He says that if one wants ot get rid of suffering completely, one has to reach one's soul. Such person should decrease his love for worldly activities and obey whole-heartedly the preaching and command of satpuruşa by sacrificing all his opinions and desires and'thus get rid of the sufferings.64 The substance of