Śrimad's Philosophy of Ārmadharma the present condition of the so called religious teachers. who are either pedants or ritualists. Subsequently he deals with how liberation can be the result of combination of knowledge and practice (jñāna and kriyā); the relation between ātma- jñāna and sacrifice and non-attachment; the characteristics of a genuine aspirant of self-realization; the importance of liquidating dogmas and prejudices for realizing the self; the characteristics of a pious and benevolent teacher (sadguru ) who is in the state of being in the nature of the soul; the actual obligations of a good teacher; importance of his grace in realizing the real nature of the soul; the need to give up licentious and gay behaviour; the importance of right faith in good teacher; the philosophy of the teachers, who have realized the self and the importance of surrendering to such teachers; the characteristics of those who are obstinate about their own thoughts and dogmas (matärthi) etc.. Śrîmad starts the poem with salutation 10 the real teacher (sadguru) whom he considers to be God himself. because he is the person who preaches that one undergoes infinite suffering because one has not known one's own nature. who oncis, where from one has come and wherсto one will go. Then he declares that he is preaching the pathway 10 liberation (mokşa), which