Śrīmad's Philosophy of Atmadharma
ii) If it is said that God gives the fruits of actions, that can be understood; but then that will mean degrading God by making him a giver of punishment.
iii) There will be no order in the world, unless there is God as the creator and consequently there will be no place where one can suffer the fruits of his karmas.51
i) Karmas or karma-particles are not only material, they are also conscious when the cetana does bhāvakarma. Soul vibrates and gets emotions of attachment and repulsion. That emotion is consciousness orcetana and is called bhāva-karma or emotional karma-bandha, which attracts material (pudgala) karmas, which bear fruits and make one either enjoy or suffer. This state of soul is a conditional state, and not pure natural state. Such state gives rise to activities, either mental. oral or physical, which actually attracts karma-particles or karma-bandha. This is a natural process like cating poison. If one eats poison, one is bound to have its effect.
ii) If we observe the variety in men. like one is a king, another is a beggar, one is tall and the other is short, one is beautiful and the other is ugly, such