what is said by the omniscient. .....
2) Right faith exists only there, where it is free from all types of ignorance and ego.
3) Right faith is said to be achieved only when the aspirant firmly sets himself on the path of liberation.
4) Right faith, knowledge and conduct together constitute religion (dharma). In such state there cannot bë karma-bondage. 19.
In his most important poem 'Mūla mārga'śrīmad, while explaining the three jewels (ratnatraya, i.e. darśana, jñānaand cāritra) precisely defines right faith as a resolute and firm faith in the concept of soul, that it is free and independent of the body and has knowledge, cognition and permanence.20 Such right faith is also called 'samakitaʻby the Jinas. It is, however, necessary that the Jina's precept is learnt by the aspirant from a sadguru.
He has explained right faith in detail and defined various types of right faith. It is , as is already pointed out, firm belief in the qualities of soul, like knowledge (jñāna), cognition (upayoga), purity etc.. If the faith exists unobstructedly, it is called kşāyika, if it is