bound to be free from karmas and that itself is liberation. This argument of Śrímad is very logical and convincing and also inspiring for aspirants.
Lastly, he has established that there is a path to liberation. He has devoted about 26 verses for this. Śrīmad has in stanza 100, explained in short the path to liberation by saying that whatever causes karmabandha is the path to worldly life and conversely, whatever prohibits one from gathering karma-bandha leads one towards liberation. He has also discussed the causes of karma-bandha. Srimad says : It is one's attachment, repulsion and ignorance regarding soul that causes karma-bandha. If one overcomes these causes, one will be on the path to liberation i.e. one is in the process to realize the pure and natural state of soul. Srimad has then explained the nature of karma-bandha. He has advised an aspirant to mainly avoid mohaniya karma, which is most damaging to soul. He has advised an aspirant to be free from one's attachment for any particular sect or dogmas or the so called gurus. He further says that a genuine aspirant müst reduce his passions and crave for liberation only.
Another important point that śrīmad has strongly recommended is the necessity of association with a