Thus, according to him ātman or self is the ultimate reality and self- realization is the only way to realize that reality, which is nothing but total liberation, which is real and genuine happiness and eternal bliss.
For him dharma or religion is the path of selfrealization. This definition is based on metaphysical principle of things in reality, because in terms of metaphysics dharma is, in fact, the very nature of a thing.' Therefore, as regards the self, functioning of the self in its own nature is dharma i.e. religion. Śrīmad observes that this is universal and the only path leading to liberation irrespective of differences in time, place, sects etc., as it abides in self and its realization. He further adds : “ The purpose of all scriptures, actions, knowledge, yoga, devotion is to realize our own nature (i.e. ātmā)...... Ātmadharma is the root of the tree of philosophy, while different systems are its branches".! All religious persons have attained liberation through self-knowledge, by overcoming rāga, dveșa and moha. Purity of perception, cognition and conduct residing together in the ātman is the basically real, and abiding path and it is therefore, the 'mulamārga' according to the Jina. There are many philosophies of ūtmadharma and spirituality preached by others. In what follow's