Śrīmad's Philosophy of Ātmadharma the self and its realization, though they may not use the word ' soul '.32
We may now proceed to: analyze what'ātmasiddhi'is, and what it contains. According to śrīmad ātma-sddhi is self-realization. To realize or to experience that one is soul and not body, mind, intellect etc., and to know what is soul, what is the nature of soul and what it is to be able to be in that nature of soul, can be called realization of the soul. This state of being with the nature of the soul is a state of bliss, where one is totally free from misery, passions, desires, conflicts, ego, attachment, anger, greed and all such things, which make one unhappy and cause suffering from miseries. Such state of mind is the realization of soul. Śrīmad's Ātma-siddhi consists mainly of six tenets and ancilliary and supporting matters, which an aspirant has to study and bear in mind for successful practice of ātma - siddhi, these are sure to help him achieve his goal and bliss.
4. The Six Philosophical Tenets
The six Tenets on which the whole edifice of Srimad's philosophy of Ātmadharma is built, are :
i. Soul exists. ii. Soulis ciemal.