His writings after his 20th year consist mostly of his letters or replies to associates, admirers and inquisitive aspirants, who were always seeking from him his advice, guidance and knowledge about many philosophical and scriptural problems. Some of them were Jain munis also and persons like Mahatma Gandhi, who were keen on moralizing and spiritualizing the social and political movements. Mahatma Gandhi was very much impressed by spiritual thinking of Srimad. E.H. Erikson, in his book, "Gandhi's Truth', says, “In fact, this young man (śrīmad) and his precepts were to become the anchor of young Gandhi's religious imagination during the very period of his life when he felt most lost” (page 158). Then on page 162, Ekison says, “No doubt young Gandhi recognized in the twenty five year old friend (śrīmad) something of what he felt was his (Gandhi's) essence ..... he found in this friendship the first affirmation of his yet deeply inarticulate ethical diretion.” Then on page 163 Erikson says, “Young Gandhi had met a genuine seeker of truth (śrīmad) and we shall find essential elements of Jain thought in Gandhi's later ideology.” Śrīmad's explaining of some Jain doctrines like that of anekānta had made very great impact on Gandhiji. Erikson while referring to such impact quotes Gandhi on p. 181, “I very much