Life And Works Of śrīmad Rajchandra were finished and published. However, his Bhavanābodha, and Mokşamālā reveal his profound knowledge of philosophy, especially Jainism. They also show his love for spirituality and the goal of selfrealization: Before twenty, he had also translated some Prakrit and Sanskrit books and written scholarly articles as well. ...
His writings after his 20th year, evince profound philosophical knowledge. He has composed great poems like Ātmasiddhi, Mīlamārga, Apūrva Avasara, which are of great philosophical and spiritual value. Ātmasiddhi is a summary of his philosophy and spirituality. It is a lucid exposition of the famous Mokşa-Sūtra., Samyagdarśana-jñāna-cāritrāņi- mokşamārgaḥ enunciated by Acārya Umāsvātī in hisTattvārthasūtra . Apūrva Avasara is a poem depicting an inner state and urge of a spiritual sādhanā and also his own internal state when his end was quite near. In this poem he has described the various stages of an aspirant's progress on the path of selfrealization. The poem also shows his urge and craving for final emancipation. Mahatma Gandhi appreciated the poem so much that he included it in his book of Aśrama Bhajanāvali, a collection of devotional and spiritual poems and songs of great saintly poets."