him, because every system advises the realization of soul and tries for the attainment of liberation. The only thing that he wants an aspirant to do is to select a path (philosophy) with the advice of a satpuruṣa, which will help his soul acquire atmatva ( soulhood), right knowledge and right perception." One has to remember that ātma-jñāna is the highest thing to be achieved. Therefore he has stressed this point by saying that whatever path is found by an aspirant to be suitable, may be followed by him. He need not worry about the difference of opinions. Whatever reflections, faith and knowledge help one realize one's soulhood (ātmatva), is one's path and all those souls who achieved emancipation and who achieve it in the present and who will achieve it in future, will do so with the help of the same inner state (bhāva)”.68 About his own feelings he says, "My self has long forgotten to believe that it is essential to become a Jaina to achieve liberation.""" He has repeatedly said that what he believed to be true religion or the best path to achieve emancipation is religion and religion according to him is giving up gross pre-occupations (vrttis) of the mind, such as attachment, aversion repulsion and delusion which engender anger, pride, greed, etc.. To be constantly aware and descriminatory and to endeavour to remain