to 27th years of life). He has recorded that, at the end of 23rd year, he achieved Samyaktva i.e. firm faith in the existence and eternity of soul and its being independent of body etc., and to its capability to be emancipated and achieve bliss.
This achievement of Sanyaktva for him was an experience of soul and progress towards vītarāgatā (passionlessness). However, during this period, his worldly activities and responsibilities increased considerably. This was a great hindrance in his earest desire to abandon all worldly life. Still, he was working very very hard in his pursuit of self-realization, and never got attached or mentally or internally involved in mundane activities and maintained the state of Samādhi through all his activities.
According to Dr. Mehta, his fourth and last stage was of about five years prior to his death. In this stage, the obstructions and impediments in his way of Sādhanā became weaker. He was very close to self-realization and was fully convinced that best way to realize the self was the one preached by a perfect Jina or aVīturāga and therefore he worked harder to be totally passionless and detached (Vitarăga) and reached a stage which was near total emancipation or Kaivalya .