Life And Works Of śrīmad Rajchandra always with the soul and in its nature and thus constantly remain in Ātmabhāvanā and be free from ignorance (Mithyātva), attachment, repulsion, delusion, passions, greed etc..
One of his statements regarding worldly life is noteworthy, especially because house holders are generally found to be complaining that worldly life is full of sufferings and misery. Śrîmad has described his own state as follows : “There is no scarcity of worldly problems for me, but as I have no feeling that it (Samsāra) is mine; it does not create any anxiety or fear in me.” It is to be borne in mind that “mineness” (attachment and delusion) is the root cause of all worldly worries and miseries.33 Śrīmad holds that the greatest weakness of human beings, which is most difficult to overcome and which is the king of all weaknesses and faults, is the attraction of a woman or wife. About this attraction, he has said that one has to remember well that the fault or problem does not lie in the woman, but it lies in one's mind or the self. It is one's passionate mind that runs after the woman, forgetting its own (self's) real nature. So what is wrong is with one's mind or psyche, not with any woman.14