Śrîmad's spiritual life, in short, as a reformer. Hence he tries to show his greatness as a seer with a view to illustrating and justifying his authentic preaching by his experience which is at once harmoniously comprehensive of all those procedures and practices with their due importance. In every life one may find the spirit of 'svadharma' (dharma of the self). This is the core of Śrîmad's philosophy. Dr. Patel opines that if Śrīmad's philosophy is rightly understood one can get such insight into the subject as a result of which, one may have highly invigorating and an allcomprehensive outlook. .
In the fifth and the last chapter entitled 'Some Modern Philosophers of Philosophy' Dr. Patel observes that modern thought can generally be channelized in course of evolutionistic thought, where science and philosophy come close and stand united in a system. This situation is highly promising. One by one come various theories of evolution from East and West from scientists and philosophers. It is then felt man will take a stride and stand as super-human on earth. But because of misconception regarding the essential nature of things, and nature of knowledge, law of causation and law of inter-action were almost shelved as ghostly: Consequently, metaphysics and ethics are composed