3. Scope of the Present Work
We propose to study the main doctrine of Śrīmad's philosophy and spirituality in this work. In our opinion the doctrine of Ātmadharma is the essence of his philosophy and the spiritual sādhanā or self-realization is the application of the doctrine. In short, this is our thesis which we intend to elaborate and establish through a critical study of śrīmad's writings as well as those of the earlier scholars who in their researches, have expressed views on Śrímad's philosophy.
The present dissertation is presented and arranged in five chapters including the introduction and conclusion. In the introduction, attempts have been made to take stock of the earlier works on Śrīmad. Life and works of Srimad have been dealt with in the second chapter. The third chapter is devoted to the study of śrīmad's philosophy and spirituality as expressed in Ātmadharma andĀtmasiddhi.
In the fourth chapter we have discussed the means of self - realization. Our concluding observations constitute the fifth and the last chapter. Along with the main chapters of the work there are four appendices. Appendix one contains discussions on some important philosophical concepts as interprcted by Srimad. These