ardent devotion for Śrīmad has not, by and large, come in the way of objective assessment of Śrīmad's works. However, she has conducted this study from a literary point of view. So it has become rather descriptive. The study is a specimen of an appreciative literary criticism. Every attempt has been made to bring out and show to advantage the merits of Śrīmad's writings. tipkat
The work is divided in five parts or volumes and thirteen chapters. The first part includes the first chapter entitled “Srimad Rājacandra - Jīvanarekhā .” It sketches out the entire span of Śrīmad's life with its various aspects and stages. Thus, for example, there is an exhaustive account of Śrīmad's childhood, his extraordinary powers and faculties such as Jātismaraṇa Satāvadhāna, clairvoyance and telepathy, Yogic supernatural powers, poetic gift, his education and study, married life, his personality and contribution to philosophy, spirituality and religion, his last days, his literature and his associates etc.. The information is very rich. It serves as an excellent background for the ensuing chapters. The section dealing with revolutionary contribution of Śrīmad to Jain religion and spirituality is significant. Here, Sarayuben rightly points out Śrīmad's emphasis on Bhakti as the most efficient means of self-realization. She also underlines his urge