The Jain Image Inscriptions of Ahmadabad
प्रधाने : ॥ श्रीमद्भिः श्री साधुरत्नसूरिभिः ॥ श्री ॥
This Chauvisi bronze image of Anantanātha with parikar is preserved in Munisuvrataswāmi Temple in Dhal's Pole. It was made by Sāru, wife of Sā. Latakana with her son Sā. Srī Rāja, Soma, Pāsā, Sahasā etc. family members, for her own spiritual bliss. Sā. Latakana was the son of Sā. Sājaņa and Mandoari. Sā. Goā and Bhāu were the grandfather and grandmother of Latakana. They belonged to Srīmāla caste. This icon was installed with ceremony and precept of Sri Punyaratnasuri of Purnima Paksa in V.S. 1531, Vaisakha, va.di. 11, Soma (i.e. Mon., 1 May, 1475 A.D.).
॥ सं. १५३१ वर्षे वैशाष वदि ११ सोमे श्री श्रीमाल ज्ञा.सा. गोआ भा. भाउ सु. सा. साजण भा. मंदोअरि सु. सा. लटकण भा. सारु नाम्न्या सु.सा. श्री राजसोम पासा ॥ सहसा प्रभृति समस्तकुटुंबयुतया स्वश्रेयसे श्री अनंतनाथादिचतु : पूर्णिमा श्री पुण्यरत्नसूरीणामुप. कारि. प्र. विधिना ॥
This Pañchatirthi bronze image of Vāsupū jyaswāmī with parikar is preserved in Sambhavanātha Temple Nagaji bhudhar's Pole. It was installed by Srīsuri in V.S. 1531, Jyestha, su[di] 10, Soma. (i.e. Mon., 15 May, 1475 A.D). This icon was made by Baduaka, son of Vastā and Dhani of śrīmāla cast along with his wife Māngāi and sons for his own bliss in Ahimadavada. सं. १५३१ वर्षे ज्येष्ठ शु. १० सोमे श्री श्रीमाली ज्ञा.मं. वस्ता भा. धनी सु. बडूआकेन भा. मंगाई सु. लाईआ हरपा सहितेन आत्मश्रेयोर्थं पितृमातृनिमित्तिं श्री वासुपूज्यबिंब का. प्र. श्रीसूरिभि : ॥ श्री अहिमदावाद नगरे ।
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