The Jain Image Inscriptions of Ahmadabad
preserved in Dharmanātha Temple in Gusaparekh's Pole in Mandavi's Pole. It was made by Do. Pataka, along with his wife Nāthi and son Manā. Pātāka was the son of Do. Devarāja and Kiki of Srimāla caste. They were residing at Cāngaudrī grāma. This icon was installed with the precept of Sāgaradattasūri of VỊddha Tapă Paksa in V.S. 1572, Phālguna va.di. 3, Budha (i.e. Wed., 20 Feb., 1516 A.D.). ।। १५७२ वर्षे फागुण वदि ३ बुधे श्री श्रीमाल ज्ञा. दो देवराज भा. कीकी सु. दो. पाताकेन भ्रातृ वाघाधनालालासीपायुतेन भा. नाथीसुत मना प्र. कुटुंब श्रेयसे राकापक्षे प्रथमात्रिगच्छीय शाखायां श्री सागरदत्तसूरीणामुपदेशेन श्री शांतिनाथबिंब कारितं प्रतिष्ठितं चांगउद्री ग्राम वास्तव्य ॥
This Pañchatīrthi bronze image of Ādinātha with parikar is preserved in Sambhavanātha Temple in Nagajibhudhar's Pole in Mandavi's Pole. It was made by Rūpās Suśrāvikā, wife of San. Jiņadāsa, who was the son of San. Narapāla and Sūlahī. They belonged to Sri Vamsa and resident of Ahammadāvāda. This icon was installed by Laksmīsāgarasuri of Mala(dhārī) gaccha in V.S. 1573, Vaisakha, su.di. 3, Guru (i.e. Thurs., 23 April, 1517 A.D.). ॥ संवत् १५७३ वर्षे वैशाख शुदि ३ गुरौ । श्री श्रीवंशे । सं. नरपाल भा. सूलही पुत्र सं. जिणदास भा. रूपाई सुश्राविकाल्यां श्री आदिनाथबिंब स्वश्रेयोर्थं कारितं प्रतिष्ठितं श्री मल. श्री लक्ष्मीसागरसूरिभिः । ।। श्री अहम्मदावादनगरे ।
This Pañchatīrthi bronze image of Adinātha with parikar is preserved in Ajitanātha Temple in Shekh's Pado. It was made by Kolhā, son of Sre. Dharana and Căpalade along with his wife for the spiritual bliss of his parents and his own self. The donors was resident of Kaņasāgara. This icon was installed by Sri
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