The Multai grant being thus proved to be genuine, the Tivarakhed grant, which gets to be made by the same King Nanna Rashtrakuta princes mentioned,in the. porting SON JAN 16 at pur is dated years earlier, must be held to be blog de tu awollo poftai "spo qe i mate reign-periods of the. bae ata 18 to las Nannataja discovered in for 97 9 near isage to stab ad hisger of 120A 10 beloved ved bas aruquna lo estudartda odt no eloitte
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If the year 322 is referred to the Gupta era, it would, as stated above, correspond to AC 64
alimia 8301 DASHURID 101 odstaj svinebive ai solalq podizvi end
But there. ere was no solar eclipse, in the maple of irrionis. Sheitra of that q BBK Besides the Phalgunhedhe as stated in the grantworThe nearest solarni prein Kibaitra ̧À) TOG ALBELDA BURÐ 34 Emily18 19:4099200 180 2. B23hich occurs in the Kanon grab to be 487aka
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Maharaja Sankshōbha.
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