ADDITIONS AND CORRECTIONS. Page 15, note 1. The pole of Indian carts is itself firmly bound with thongs. P. 27, paragraph io. Read,- Vag. S. I, 15b; I, 15 C. P. 28, par. 12, and note 3. The Kânva text has the correct order of castes :
tâny etani katvári vaka ebiti brâhmanasy âgahy âdraveti râga nya sya
ka vaisyasya kadhâveti sadrasya.' P. 47, par. i. The Taitt. S. (II, 6, 6) has a somewhat different version of this
legend : Agni had three elder brothers. While carrying the oblations to the gods, they perished. Agni was afraid, In like manner this one will meet with destruction (årtim arishyati).' He concealed himself. He entered the waters. The gods wished to find him. A fish betrayed him. He cursed it, May (people) kill thee by whatever means they can devise (dhiya-dhiya), who hast betrayed me!' Hence they kill the fish by whatever means they can devise, for he is accursed. They found him, and said to him,. Come back to us and carry our oblation!' He said, I will ask a boon: whatever portion of the taken (ghee) shall fall outside the enclosing-sticks, before it is offered, that shall be my brothers' portion !' Hence whatever portion of the taken (ghee) falls outside the enclosing-sticks, that is their portion :
with that he satisfies them. P. 47, par. 2. The Kânva text reads, They followed Indra even as now-a-days
also a Brahman follows a Kshatriya blessing him (ásamsamâno'nukarati).' P. 85, par. 6. Read,- for this represents the fringe (of the Sacrificer's nether
garment), and it is on the right side that the fringe (is tucked in) .... for
the fringe also is covered (by being tucked in). Cf. below to p. 368. P. 118. line 18. Read, Thine' instead of Your.' P. 164, par. 3. Professor Delbrück, Syntaktische Forschungen II, p. 118, trans
lates, And from the mouth which had been drinking sura, the sparrow sprang: hence the latter sings so merrily, for indeed be sings so merrily as
it it had drank surâ.' Differently, however, ibid. III, p. 64 P. 175, par. 1. Compare also the corresponding legend in Taitt. Br. I, 6, 7, 4:
Indra, having slain Vritra, went to the farthest distance, thinking I have committed a sin (aparadham,? I have missed him).' He said, .Who will find this out ?' The Maruts said, 'We will choose a boon, then we shall know : let the first offering be made to us!' They sported on bim (Vritra), &c. (According to Sâyana, on Taitt. S.1, 8, 4, Indra flees from fear and says, within the Marut's hearing, 'Is Vritra dead or not? Who will go near him and
find it out?' &c.) P. 183. par. 1. According to Sayana, on Taitt. Br. I, 1, 3, 10, it was the Soma
plant (soma-valll) that was carried off by Gayatri devatâ, and one of its leaves iparna) was broken off, and on falling to the ground became a pala sa tree. See
also Taitt. S.VI, 1,6; Sat. Br. III, 2, 4, 1 seq. ; Weber, Ind. Stud. II, 312 seq. P. 184, note 4. Add,-Compare Max Müller, Hist. of Anc. Sansk. Lit., p. 352. P. 206, par. 19. Correct,- Bhållaveya' (also II, 1, 4, 6). P, 288, note 3. On the etymology of nakshatra, see also Max Müller, Rig.veda
Samhita IV, p. lxvi note. P. 310, pars. 8-9. Correct,— And whichever (of the Asuras) they (the gods)
slew, he indeed remained the same (viz. alive). In consequence of this the
gods were left inferior.' P. 313, par. 20. The paragraph should have been rendered thus:--To Aruna
Aupavesi his kinsmen said, Thou art advanced in years: establish thou the fires l' He replied, .Thereby ye tell me, "keep silence !" he who has estab. lished his fires must not speak an untruth, and only by not speaking at all one speaks no untruth: to that extent the service (of the consecrated fire) consists in truth.' Similarly the Kanva text-arunam haupavesim gfiataya akuk sthaviro và asy agni adhatsveti.--sa hovala tan maitad brutha valamyama evaidhiti mà brûtheti na hy agni adhaya mrisha vaden no vâta vadato 'mrishodyam asti tasmad u satyam eva vivadishet. See Delbrück, Syntak
tische Forschungen III, p. 29. P. 368, par. 24. Read, -He (the Sacrificer) then pulls down the tuck of his
(nether garment) and performs obeisance. Cl. p. 435, note 2.
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