III, 37.
37. Drops (of saliva) falling from the mouth, which do not touch a limb of the body, do not make (a man) impure.
38. If, after having sipped water, he sleeps, eats, sneezes, drinks, weeps or bathes, or puts on a dress, he must again sip water,
39. Likewise, if he touches (that part of) the lips on which no hair grows.
40. No defilement is caused by the hair of the moustache (entering the mouth).
41. If (remnants of food) adhere to the teeth, (they are pure) like the teeth, and he is purified by swallowing those which (become detached) in the mouth.
42. He is not defiled by the drops which fall on his feet, while somebody gives to others water for sipping; they are stated to be equally (clean) as the ground.
43. If, while occupied with eatables, he touches any impure substance, then he shall place that thing (which he holds in his hand) on the ground, sip water and afterwards again use it.
44. Let him sprinkle with water all objects (the purity of) which may be doubtful.
45. Both wild animals killed by dogs, and fruit thrown by birds (from the tree), what has been spoilt by children, and what has been handled by women,' 37. Gautama 1, 41.
38. Gautama I, 37. 39. Âpastamba I, 5, 16, 10. 40. Âpastamba I, 5, 16, 11. 41. Gautama I, 38-40.
42. Manu V, 142. 43. Vishnu XXIII, 55. Occupied with eatables,' i.e. eating.' Krishnapandita.
45. Vishnu XXIII, 50. This and the following two Sūtras are a quotation, as appears from the use of the particle iti at the end of Sätra 47.
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