II, 2, 4.
6. 'Let him abandon a barren (wife) in the tenth year, one who bears daughters (only) in the twelfth, one whose children (all) die in the fifteenth, but her who is quarrelsome without delay.'
7. A widow shall avoid during a year (the use of) honey, meat, spirituous liquor, and salt, and sleep on the ground.
8. Maudgalya (declares that she shall do so) during six months.
9. After (the expiration of) that (time) she may, with the permission of her Gurus, bear a son to her brother-in-law, in case she has no son.
10. Now they quote also (the following verse): One whose appointment can have no result, (viz.) a barren woman, one who has borne sons, one who is past child-bearing, one whose children are (all) dead, and one who is unwilling must not be appointed.'
11. The sister of a maternal uncle and of the father, a sister, a sister's daughter, a daughter-inlaw, a maternal uncle's wife, and the wife of a
6. Manu IX, 81.
7-8. Vasishtha XVII, 55. The word madya, 'spirituous liquor,' occurs in M. and the I. O. copy of the commentary. The MSS. from the Dekhan and Gugarât, including K., read maggana or maddâna, the compound letter being very indistinct.
9. Vasishtha XVII, 56, where the term Gurus' is fully explained.
10. Vasishtha XVII, 57-59. M. and the two copies of the commentary read pisâkotpannaputrâ ka instead of vasâ kotpannaputrâ ka, a barren woman and one who has borne sons.' I follow the Dekhan and Gugarât MSS., which undoubtedly give the genuine reading. Perhaps the term avasâm, Vasishtha XVII, 57, should be corrected to vasâm.
11-12. These two Sutras are additions to II, 1, 2,13. See also Narada XII, 73-74; Vasishtha XXI, 16.
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