III, 9.
Svâha, to Soma Svâha, to all the gods Svâhâ, to Svayambhu, to the Rikas, to the Yagus, to the Sâmans, to the Atharvans, to faith, to right knowledge, to wisdom, to fortune, to modesty, to Savitri, to the Sâvitrt (verse), to Sadasaspati, and to Anumati.
5. Having offered (these oblations), he must begin with the beginning of the Veda and continuously recite (it).
6. Let him not interrupt (the recitation) by talking, nor by stopping.
7. Now if he converses in between or stops, let him thrice suppress his breath, and begin just there where he left off.
8. If he has forgotten (a passage), he shall recite for as long a time as he does not recollect it, what (he may know, Rik-verses) for Rik-verses, (Yagusformulas) for Yagus-formulas, (Sâmans) for Sâmans.
9. He may (also) recite the Brâhmana of that (forgotten passage) or (the passage from the Anukramani regarding) its metre and its deities.
10. Let him recite the Samhita of (his) Veda twelve (times). He thereby removes (faults committed by) studying on forbidden (days, by) angering his teacher, (and through) improper acts. His (knowledge of the) Veda is sanctified, is purified.
II. (If he reads) more than that, a cumulation (of rewards will be the result).
12. If he recites the Samhita of the Veda another twelve (times), he gains thereby the world of Usanas.
13. If he recites the Samhita of the Veda another
6. 'By talking, i. e. by uttering words not connected with the Vedai'-Govinda.
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