IV, 5.
vedas, (man) quickly attains the wishes of his heart.
2. Having purified his body by muttered prayers, burnt oblations, Ishtis, restraints, and the like, he will accomplish all his objects. He will not attain success in any other way.
3. A Brâhmana, who is going to mutter prayers, to offer burnt oblations or Ishtis, or to practise restraints, shall, first, during the bright half of the month, on a lucky day and under a lucky constellation, cause his hair and beard to be cut.
4. Let him bathe in the morning, at noon, and in the evening; let him beware of anger and untruth ; let him not address women and Sudras; let him be continent, and subsist solely on food fit for offerings.
5. Avoiding to sleep in the day-time, let him worship cows, Brâhmanas, manes, and gods. As long as he is engaged in muttering prayers, offering Homas and Ishtis, and practising restraints, let him stand during the day and sit during the night.
6. The Krikkhra (penance) revealed by Pragapati lasts twelve days, (which are divided into four separate) periods of three days; (during the first period of three days he eats) in the day-time (only, during the second) at night (only, during the third he subsists on) food given without asking, (and during the fourth) finally (he lives on) air.
a MS. the leaves of which were out of order. After the first words of ver. 1, they have kshîram dadhisarpih kusodakam, which belongs to ver. 26, and they go on with the text down to IV, 7, 7, after which the end of IV, 5, 1 and 2-25 are given.— Yantra," restraints," i.e. Krikkhras and the like, (which are called so) on account of the restraint of the senses (required for them).'-Govinda.
3-5. Vasishtha XXIV, 5. 6. Vasishtha XXI, 20. Repeated, see above, II, 1, 2, 38.
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