What does he gain by them?' ‘By those which, when offered, flame up, he gains the Deva (god) world, for the Deva world flames up, as it were. By those which, when offered, make an excessive noise, he gains the Pitri (father) world, for the Pitri world is excessively (noisy). By those which, when offered, sink down, he gains the Manushya (man) world, for the Manushya world is, as it were, down below.'
9. “Yâgñavalkya,' he said, 'with how many deities does the Brahman priest on the right protect to-day this sacrifice ?' 'By one,' replied Yâgñavalkya.
And which is it?' "The mind alone; for the mind is endless, and the Visvedevas are endless, and he thereby gains the endless world.'
10. “Yagñavalkya,' he said, 'how many Stotriya hymns will the Udgâtri priest employ to-day at this sacrifice ?
'Three,' replied Yâgñavalkya. "And what are these three ?'
'Those which are called Puronuvâkyâ, Yâgyâ, and, thirdly, Sasya.'
And what are these with regard to the body (adhyâtmam) ?'
'The Puronuvâkyâ is Prâna (up-breathing), the Yagya the Apâna (down-breathing), the Sasyâ the Vyâna (back-breathing).'
fire, flame up. The second, when thrown on the fire, make a loud hissing noise. The third, consisting of milk, Soma, &c., sink down into the earth.
1 On account of the cries of those who wish to be delivered out of it. Comm.
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